When I was 13 years old, much to my mother's chagrin, I was obsessed with animal print everything. That year for my birthday I asked for a leopard print comforter, pillows, sleeping bag, purse and matching tissue packs. Well look who's back in style now, Momma! Next thing you know, everyone will be wearing those bucket hats I was obsessed with...
Can I just say how much I love these photos! I don't know that I could ever pull anything like this off in my house, but I'm definitely starting to think about it! So far I've just ventured into animal print purses and handbags. I just got a new giraffe wallet that I love, but I'm inspired to look for animal prints for my house now!
love the simplicity! im excited to follow your blog and start catching up on your posts!
Can I just say how much I love these photos! I don't know that I could ever pull anything like this off in my house, but I'm definitely starting to think about it! So far I've just ventured into animal print purses and handbags. I just got a new giraffe wallet that I love, but I'm inspired to look for animal prints for my house now!